We are incredibly proud to say that we have recently been the recipient of FFT National Attendance Awards - for both Key Stage 2 (Years 5 & 6) and Key Stage 3 (Years 7 & 8).
We are positioned in the top 10% of Primary Schools and the top 25% of Secondary Schools in the coun...
Our children have been involved in a number of activities, to instil and promote the Anti-Bullying ethos in our school and the wider community. These activities have included making and sending gratitude postcards to each other and staff, drawing some...
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Gold Level Mark Award for the 2022/23 academic year. We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport!
The intermittent rain certainly didn't dampen our spirits today, at our annual Sports Day. What a day it was; some outstanding performances from so many incredible students.
Also, congratulations to Mr. Greensmith, who won the Teachers Race!
Thanks to all of the parents and carers who came...
On the last day of term, we hosted an East Dorset Handball Festival. There were 7 teams competing on what has been a glorious afternoon.
We entered two teams with one of our teams qualifying for the Schools Games Final in June. We are so proud of all those who took part. Their positive attitude a...
Industrial Action Information from the NEU for Parents/Carers
Parental leaflet from the NEU regarding industrial action
Please find attached here a leaflet that has been produced by the National Education Union regarding the reasons why teachers have decided to take industrial action (strike).
Year 5 had a fantastic day yesterday, immersing themselves in Ancient Greek History. Activities included eating Greek foods, learning dances, designing Greek pots, as well as learning about Greek Mythology.nter some content for your news story here.
Corfe Mullen Co-Op Community Fund - A big thank you!
A big thank you to all who supported Friends of Lockyer's and to the Corfe Mullen Co-Op for including us in their community funding scheme. We raised the amazing amount of £4,749.08 which will go towards improving our outside space.
In aid of Children in Need, pupils took part in non-uniform day and activities to raise funds for this fantastic charity. We raised a total of £777.35. Well done!